Digital Christmas greetings from Artur & Tatjana from Brazil


Dear friends and family,

What is 216 days after the start of our trip around the world? That's right, Christmas and yes, we're still travelling a bit. But that also means that unfortunately we won't be able to celebrate Christmas with you this year. No Christmas markets, no snow, no time together... Instead, we're on Copacabana and listening to Christmas carols in a whole new interpretation. We would like to share a few Christmas impressions from Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil with you. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for accompanying us in various ways and sending us your wishes, recommendations and appreciative feedback. We are very happy about this, as well as about each of your comments 😊

As you will have realised, we got to know, visit and support some good initiatives on our trip. One of these wonderful initiatives that we haven't talked about yet is Generation Restoration e.V.

Tatjana took part in the virtual founding event from Colombia in September and has been a committed member from the very beginning.

The vision:
Refugee camps around the world are being transformed from stagnant places of dependency into thriving places of hope. Through regenerative methods such as permaculture, forest gardening (agroforestry), the restoration of ecosystems and social business. Generation Restoration aims to inspire and contribute to this.

More information can be found in this compact short Flyer.

If you have a spare euro or two, a gift for us 😊 for a really good cause or would simply like to support this great initiative with a donation, we would be delighted to receive your support for Generation Restoration.

Donations are tax-deductible via the platform bcause, which is recognised as a non-profit organisation:

If you are as enthusiastic about the idea as Tatjana and would like to become a member, you can here.


We wish you happy holidays and a happy new year 2024!
We look forward to seeing you again from mid-March 2024.

All the best from Rio de Janeiro
Artur & Tatjana

Santa Claus in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia)

4 responses

  1. Feliz Natal – Frohe Weihnachten ihr Lieben!
    Danke für Eure immer erfrischenden Berichte aus der Welt – so inspirierend, lehrreich, lustig, beeindruckend, überraschend!
    Und DANKE für Euren Einsatz für Generation Restoration, wir freuen uns riesig über jede Unterstützung. Unsere Partner in Uganda pflanzen gerade schon die nächsten Foodforests (essbare Waldgärten)! Und es dürfen noch viel mehr werden.
    Ein herrliches Fest für Euch und alle, die hier mitlesen 🙂

  2. Guten Morgen liebe Tatjana und lieber Artur,
    Danke für Euren speziellen Weihnachtsgruss aus Brasilen und Info über das Projekt Generation Restoration e.v.
    Es schön die verschiedenen geschmückten Tannenbäume anzuschauen!!!
    Aus der Ferne wünschen wir Euch eine friedvolle und frohe Weihnachtszeit
    Mama und Wilfried

  3. Wir wünschen Euch von Herzen fröhliche ganz besondere und vermutlich einzigartige Weihnachten in der großen Ferne und denken an Euch! 3x Küsschen aus Köln KaMiJu


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